V- Game tab
An all-encompassing tab that doesn’t need a detailed presentation… Various keys for various more or less important actions. First group: General!
- Orbital Map View: M
- Increase Time Warp: Period (.)
- Decrease Time Warp: Comma (,)
- Stop Time Warp: Slash (/)
- Focus Next Vessel: Equals (=)
- Focus Prev Vessel: LeftBracket (])
- Take Screenshot: F1
- Pause: Escape
- Quicksave: F5
- Quickload: F8
Several arbitrary things but always aiming to group or separate actions, depending on their relevance. It’s essential to note that the Quickload key is assigned to F8 instead of the default F9. This is because F9 is already used by a well-known graphics mod, but you are totally free to keep F9, of course!
Second group: Camera!
- Camera Mode: C
- Camera Next: V
- Camera Reset: None
- Zoom In: Y
- Zoom Out: I
- View Up: U
- View Down: J
- View Left: H
- View Right: K
The Camera Reset is unassigned because there are only 4 possible camera views, and it’s very quick to return to the default view by cycling through them. Camera translations are frankly not very useful and rarely used, but you never know; this was an opportunity to look for a new set of well-located keys and follow the usual logic, like a ZSQDAE but shifted to UJHKYI 😉
Third group: Editor!
This involves keys that take effect in the VAB or SPH, a different context. Similarly, some are not frequently used, but others are essential:
- Scroll View Up: PageUp
- Scroll View Down: PageDown
- Part Pitch Down: S
- Part Pitch Up: Z
- Yaw Part Left: Q
- Yaw Part Right: D
- Roll Part Left: A
- Roll Part Right: E
- Reset Part Rotation: Space
- Place Mode: Alpha1 (key 1)
- Offset Mode: Alpha2 (key 2)
- Rotate Mode: Alpha3 (key 3)
- Toggle Local / Absolute: F
- Toggle Angle Snap: C
- Toggle Symmetry: R
- Cycle Symmetry Mode: X
- Search All Parts: TO BE DEFINED
Some elements in this lot need to be mastered with the left hand: orienting parts during placement! It takes a bit of time, it’s a matter of habit, and you can still get lost occasionally… But with trial and error, it becomes easy. The ZQSDAE set is once again utilized, as the right hand is busy with the mouse!
And it seems we’ve covered it all… Quite comprehensive, isn’t it? Doing this is very quick, barely a few minutes, and generally, you propagate the Settings file from one installation to another and don’t touch it again… So it’s important to do it at least once!